Altar & Lectern in St Peter’s Church

Current altar in St Peter’s Church.

Current altar in St Peter’s Church.

Recently I was having a discussion with Mr Bridson, Head at Cardinal Langley, about the chapel. As it is the 60th Anniversary of the foundation of the school, it would be good to source a large altar, a lectern and presidential chair for the chapel.

I mentioned this to a parishioner who reminded me we still had the former altar and lectern in St Peter’s Church (which had been used before the current altar and lectern had been installed). It struck me that it would be a good idea for us to donate these items to Cardinal Langley where they could be regularly used for the celebration of Masses and liturgies as they were intended to be. They are both wonderful items which were made with much love and thought. I am happy that we will all be happy with this suggestion.

Unless I am informed otherwise, I would like to arrange their moving to the school so that they can be used during this Lenten and Easter Season.

God Bless. Father Peter


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