Prayers to reflect and meditate on
Prayer for Healthcare Workers
Loving God, we place into your care all our doctors, nurses and healthcare workers
Give them courage of heart and strength of mind and body
Keep them safe from harm
May they know our deep gratitude for all they are doing to heal and help those affected by the coronavirus
God of all consolation may they know your protection and peace
Bless them in these challenging days and bless their families
Coronavirus Prayer
Jesus Christ, you travelled through towns and villages “curing every disease and illness.” At your command, the sick were made well. Come to our aid now, in the midst of the global spread of the coronavirus, that we may experience your healing love. Heal those who are sick with the virus. May they regain their strength and health through quality medical care. Heal us from our fear, which prevents nations from working together and neighbours from helping one another. Heal us from our pride, which can make us claim invulnerability to a disease that knows no borders. Come to our aid now, that we may experience your healing love. Jesus Christ, healer of all, stay by our side in this time of uncertainty and sorrow. Be with those who have died from the virus. May they be at rest with you in your eternal peace. Be with the families of those who are sick or have died. As they worry and grieve, defend them from illness and despair. May they know your peace. Be with the doctors, nurses, researchers and all medical professionals who seek to heal and help those affected and who put themselves at risk in the process. May they know your protection and peace. Whether we are home or abroad, surrounded by many people suffering from this illness or only a few, Jesus Christ, stay with us as we endure and mourn, persist and prepare. In place of our anxiety, give us your peace. Jesus Christ, heal us.
A Prayer for those in Authority
Loving God, in Christ Jesus, the servant of all, you call us to the service of others.
Grant to those who govern the community the skill to recognise its urgent needs and the strength to pursue the common good.
Endow us all with patience and courage, that we may care for the suffering, feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, and sustain the needy.
Through Christ our Lord, Amen.
“When Jesus entered Peter’s house, he saw his mother-in-law lying sick with a fever. He touched her hand, and the fever left her, and she rose and began to serve him. That evening they brought to him many who were oppressed by demons, and he cast out the spirits with a word and healed all who were sick. This was to fulfil what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah: ‘He took our illnesses and bore our diseases.”